Campbell River Fast Facts January 2018
Campbell River Fast Facts January 2018
2017 was a fast paced market, allowing for my high-energy optimistic personality to bounce from property to property and sell a city that is hands down unbeatable value.
A huge shout out and sincere thank you to all my valued clients! In total, 60 awesome savvy Sellers chose me as their listing Realtor and I closed 80 transactions. The average transactions per Realtor was 6. It was a great challenge and I had a heck of a fun time. Thank you to my incredible team: Chris for the awesome photos/movies/digital content, Annette performing her magic with any and every admin task that I send her way, Glen for placing the For Sale signs up and then down once sold, and Remax Check Realty’s amazing management and admin support staff.
Stepping into 2018 with enthusiasm and given the nature of a career in sales I never know what is going to happen each day and take it in my stride and say:
This epic day
Do not underestimate what she can do
Give thanks to her as you make your way
Give thanks to the power and the kindness
Of this precious living day.
May 2018 be a fantastic year for you. Please don’t hesitate to mention my name if you hear of anyone thinking of Buying or Selling.
- In 2017 there were 1074 sales of all property types in Campbell River, down 5% over 2016. The highest number of annual sales was 1181 in 2007.
- The 2017 average sale price of a Campbell River home is $407,174, up 18%. The average lot price is $150,108, up 8%. If you purchased an ‘average’ home in 2007, you paid $297,046. If you bought an average lot, you paid $110,935.
- In 2017, 55 houses per month sold compared to the all-time high in 2016 of 59 houses per month. In 2015, 45 houses a month sold, in 2014 – 46, for 2013 – 42, for 2012 – 37, for 2011- 41, for 2010 – 36, for 2009 – 44, for 2008 – 38, for 2007 – 58, for 2006 – 54.
- In 2017, houses sold in 42 days for 98% of asking price and the annual list/sell ratio (LSR) was 84%. In a year end rush of sales and shrinking supply, the LSRs in November and December were 123% and 107% respectively. In 2016, houses sold within 56 days for 99% of asking price. The LSR was 84%.
- In 2017, residential sales occurred in Willow Point – 42%, Campbell River Central – 35%, followed by Campbell River South – 10%, Campbell River West – 7%, Campbell River North – 4% and Campbellton – 1%. There are only 73 homes for sale, less than a six week supply.
- Houses make up 63% of the 138 residential properties currently offered for sale. Condos are 31%, duplexes – 4%, mobile homes – 2%. The active inventory of all properties is 212, down 27%.
- The largest house price differential is between Willow Point where the 2017 average price is up 20% ($427,710) and Campbell River Central where the price is up 17% ($395,907).
- In 2017, 20 houses sold for less than $200,000 compared to 45 in 2016. In 2015, 41 houses sold for less than $200,000. In 2014 – 48, in 2013 – 59, in 2012 – 52, in 2011 – 56, in 2010 – 36.
- In 2017 there were 136 residential sales over $500,000. In 2016 there were 63 residential sales over $500,000 representing 9% of all residential sales. In 2015 there were 40 sales over $500,000, representing 7%. There were 26 sales in 2014, in 2013 -15, in 2012 – 20, in 2011 – 26, in 2010 – 15. The 2017 median price (half sales above, half below) is $391,000.
- When 10 houses sell in Campbell River, one is under $250,000, three sell between $250,000 and $350,000, four between $350,000 and $500,000 and two above $500,000.
- There are 96 REALTORS® in Campbell River among the 1057 members of the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board.